Compost Planter
• Works on natural principal of Microbial culture/ wormy composting
• Whatever biodegradable waste goes in composter digested by compostfast microbial culture & produces high quality compost.
• This compost being spread to all over growing media with the movement of earth worms and being absorbed by plants.
• In micro nutrient rich growing media plants grow 4 times faster and produce food, flower.
• Excess digested material we get as compost from bottom of BIOCANDLE
• Suitable for Boiled tea leaves, Peelings of fruits & vegetables, Spoiled & left over food ( Cooked/uncooked , Veg. Non veg), Garden waste (Grass, leaves, etc), Small quantity of paper (not laminated), Cow dung
• Total quantity maximum one kilo gram per day
• 60-100 plants can be grown in 2X2 feet space